Katrin Stoerr de Queiroz
Good to Know

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (ACOG) Names Doula Support as Associated with Improved Outcomes for Women in Labor
Evidence suggests that, in addition to regular nursing care, continuous one-to-one emotional support provided by support personnel, such as a doula, is associated with improved outcomes for women in labor. Benefits found in randomized trials include shortened labor, decreased need for analgesia, fewer operative deliveries, and fewer
reports of dissatisfaction with the experience of labor.

Childbirth Education and Postpartum Care Can Help Prevent Postpartum Depression
Around 20% of American women suffer from postpartum depression after giving birth, which makes PPD the most prevalent perinatal complication. While there isn't a single cause for PPD, research indicates a number of factors that play a part in the occurrence of it. After childbirth, there are significant physical changes which happen over a very short period of time, such as hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, lack of mobility and possible pain due to birthing injuries or c-section. In addition, several psychosocial factors seem to be of great importance. Many new mothers lack support during their postpartum weeks. Partners have to head back to work and other family is often far away, so that new motherhood can become a lonely challenge. Addressing these issues in childbirth classes and continuous postpartum support can be vital tools in preventing PPD. Educating new parents about PPD before the baby is born and providing resources, as well as being the reliable birth professional, who will come to your home when the baby is there to provide support and answer questions can make a big difference in postpartum health.

Research shows that women who have continuous support during labor are:
more likely to have a vaginal birth
more likely to have shorter labor
more likely to rate their childbirth experience positively
less likely to have a cesarean birth
less likely to use any pain medication